Adult Faith Formation is a lifelong process, an approach, a philosophy that utilizes prayer, liturgy, retreats, social outreach, study, small faith sharing groups, reflection, and more to deepen a relationship with God, self and others, empowering the lay vocation!
Adult Faith Enrichment
All adults are invited and encouraged to attend a variety of series, talks, and more as offered each Wednesday evening in conjunction with the Youth Faith Formation schedule at 6:30 pm at St. Mary's Catholic School.
For more information please contact Karen at the parish office.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)
Christian Initiation of Adults is a formation process for adults who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Ultimately, it is the process leading adults to chose to follow the steps of the rite to the sacrament of confirmation as a Catholic. A period of "inquiry" is the first step in the formation process. The inquiry phase provides an opportunity for people from other faith traditions to ask questions about what it means to be a member of the Catholic Church. It is a time for people to consider how the Catholic faith can renew and strengthen their spiritual lives. OCIA begins in the fall of each year and culminates at the Easter Vigil.
For more information please contact Connie Kassahn at the parish office.
2024/25 Class Schedule
Adult Confirmation
All non-confirmed adults are invited to complete the Sacraments of Initiation.
For more information please contact
Connie Kassahn at the parish office.
Registration Form
Sponsor Form