Our children’s parish summer choir kicked off on Wednesday, June 11 with a miniature golf game at Lion’s Park Putt Hut golf course. Pictured here are the children who participated with their parents.
Other fun-filled events will be planned throughout the summer. It is important for the children to have fun together and bond together because the energy created from such events builds trust when working together on the music.
Rehearsals are Wednesday evening from 5:45-6:45 p.m. in Hartmann Hall beginning on June 21. For students involved with VBS, rehearsals will begin on June 28. Please view the registration form on this website. Check off the dates your child can participate.
“Singing in a children’s choir,” according to Michael Kemp, internationally known chorale conductor and clinician,
“Helps children feel a part of a group and make new friends
“Helps children develop better speech habits
“Helps children learn about poise under pressure
“Teaches a sense of responsibility
“Develops children’s sense of culture and sophistication
“Provides the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyment in and of music
“Provides an artistic balance for children in these days of rote learning education
“Can become a hook in the application process for college, conveying well-balanced experience and education. “
In addition, being a member of the children’s choir allows for the child to grow in his/her spiritual experience and understand how this important ministry affects the lives of our parishioners. Being a member of the choir will sharpen musical skills and work areas of the brain that are not exercised as much in other activities.