“I am the way, the truth and the life, says the Lord; no one comes to the Father, except through me.” John 14:6 Jesus makes us aware of the presence of the blessed Trinity in this statement. Our faith tells us that the Father and the Son are one, with the driving force of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the WAY, there is no other. We may be searching for a different route or drift off course, but, there is only one sure WAY. It is found in Jesus. We may find false truths in our culture today. Some, maybe quite convincing. But the devil is deceptive and we can easily be tricked. The Word of God is Truth. If what we believe is God’s Word, than we know we are following the truth. They need to be in alignment. Jesus is the LIFE. If our lives are too world-centered, we may not have regard for the true life in Christ. The Life found in Christ leads us to our eternal home once we our through with our sojourn here. The words of the fourth verse of “Amazing Grace” directs us on this course to Jesus. Indeed, by Jesus’ saving grace, we can be led.