There are brief and perhaps rare moments in our life when we are mesmerized, when we are in shock, when we are totally amazed! It is in these moments that all comes to light. That something grand is revealed to us. Have you had such experiences? The texts of these beautiful Epiphany hymns are rich in meaning as they tell the story of this great event in salvation history. But this event was not a once in a lifetime event. This event continues to be experienced throughout our life in both the good and the bad, in the pain and suffering, and in the joyful occasions of our lives. It may come when we take the time to recognize the poor and the outcast on the street corner, or take the time to visit with a lonely person whether that be a relative or a total stranger. It comes when we pay attention to our spouses and children. It comes when we give them our love. It also may come to us in the silent moments or when we least expect it. It comes when we celebrate the Liturgy well, when we listen attentively to the Word of God and partake fully in the Eucharistic celebrations! This is the Epiphany were we truly encounter the Word made Flesh.
Here is the music to be presented this weekend on the feast of the Epiphany. May this New Year bring you lasting peace!