Our world needs more brave and dedicated people like John the Baptist! John the Baptist prepared the people for the historical birth of Christ pleading with them to “ready the way”. This season of Advent is a time for us to “ready the way” of the Lord, by preparing our hearts to receive him into our present lives so that we can better prepare for his final coming at the end of the world. Here is the music for the Second Sunday of Advent https://bit.ly/3kORnpq December 5 and 6 Hymns https://bit.ly/3fowZKT Mass of Christ the Savior parts https://www.loom.com/share/0c14ca95b89e4d4a9a4b827015013e41 Instruction on chanting the offertory antiphon for the 2nd Sunday of Advent “You will turn toward us, O God, and restore our life again, and your people will rejoice in you. Show us, Lord, your mercy and grant us your salvation.