In this Jubilee Year of Hope, I begin a series on musical texts in our hymnal that speak about hope. The first is the hymn, “Lord of all Hopefulness” by Jan Struther (1901-1953). How often do we turn to God our hope in prayer? This hymn helps us to reflect on the God of hope throughout our day. What reassurance it gives us when we recognize this aide throughout our daily activities and at rest at the end of the day. We can rest assured in God’s presence throughout the night, whether awake or asleep. The music speaks of not only the God of hope, but also the God of joy, eagerness, faith, kindliness, grace, bliss, strength, love, gentleness, and calm. This attributes of God gives us great hope! This week, let us reflect begin our reflection on the hopeful attributes of God as we reflect on the God of joy. The God of Joy The last line of the Book of Nehemiah 8:10 says, “Do not be saddened this day, for rejoicing in the Lord must be your strength!”. God’s laws were difficult for the people to accept, just as it is sometimes difficult to accept God’s laws in our day. God’s ways are not always our ways. It is easier to face our problems with joy rather than sadness. To do so, we can take better care of each other and be at peace with all people! Let us ask God to be a more joyful people!