October is the month of the Rosary. What words best describe Mary, the mother of God? As I reflected on this, I came up with the following:
M= Magnificent A= Accepting R= Radiant Y= Yes *This Yes changed the course of history forever.
Do you have a favorite Marian hymn? In the Breaking Bread hymnal, there are many choices beginning with hymn #693 and continuing through #707. Read through the text to this hymn slowly. In what ways might you emulate Mary?
I chose hymn #706 “O Holy Mary” by Owen Alstott. Verse 3 states, “From heav’n the angel Gabriel announced the ancient plan and humbly you accepted to bear the God-made man. I can emulate Mary by accepting God’s will more, even when it is difficult to accept. It is God’s will that I accept change, when I feel so comfortable in doing the same things or the same routine.