On the Week of July 9 through 13, I attended the National Pastoral Musicains Conference in Baltimore with Fr. Rob and Thomas Quinleven.. Here are the notes, I shared earlier today with our music ministry team. Enjoy using the hyperlinks that will take you to many of the conference events.
Hymn: #838BB O Radiant Light chant mode 1
Opening Prayer
Psalm: Psalm 27 by David Haas GIA
Scripture Reading
Memorial of our Beloved Dead (Presentation of Names)
My Soul is Longing by Lucien Deiss One License #E-803899
Lighting of the Candles
Silent Reflection
Rememberance #202BB Dona Nobis Pacem traditional
Closing Hymn: We Shall Rise Again GIA One License #E-803899
Orioles-Yankees Baseball Game and Dinner at the Ballpark for Meeting with Director of Worship and St. Paul Newman Center music director-Discussed the diocese of Cheyenne; shared information
Come to Me, O Weary Traveler Paul A. Tate
I Will Walk with You David Haas
Guard Us, Lord Feeley
Ecce Novum by Ola Gjeilo Walton
Love is Come Again Le Banc
Deep and Lasting Peace Joncas