In the gospel, Jesus heals a deaf man through touch and the words, “Epiphatha!- that is, “Be opened!” Our hymn at the preparation and presentation of the gifts is “Open My Eyes” by Jesse Manibusan. In what way is Jesus calling us to be more open to his wisdom and word? Jesus is calling me to be more open to his wisdom and word by being more decisive in my decision making and more confident in those decisions. I am one to be hesitant at times, or to act without first seeking the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit. When I rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I make better and more confident decisions. How about you? Also, this weekend, we will be singing the Taze “Meditation” by Grayson Warren Brown. The words are “Jesus, Jesus, precious Savior, heal us, hold us, help us find rest.” Indeed, our world is in need of physical, mental and spiritual healing. It is in these times that Jesus holds us and leads us to rest from our labors. Let us take time on this Labor Day weekend to rest in him. As we remember the events of 9/11 20 years ago this week, let us pray to be protected from terrorist attacks and storms. Here is the music to be presented this weekend. September 4 and 5 Hymns