This weekend, we celebrate the solemn feast of the Presentation of the Lord. The feast is celebrated 40 days after Christmas. With this feast, we recall when Jesus was presented in the Temple by Mary and Joseph. We are called to recognize the presence of the Lord with us at each moment of our lives, in much the same way that Anna and Simeon, prompted by the Holy Spirit, recognized him centuries ago. Recognizing this presence is so important. How do we recognize his presence with us now?
At the beginning of Mass this weekend, the church members, the Body of Christ, will receive a candle (or you may bring a candle from home). The candles will be lit as we sing “Christ Be Our Light”. The lighted candles remind us of Christ’s presence with us now. It is Christ who shines through the darkness of our world’s sins. When we gather together as his Body, we encounter Christ. It is this light that sustains us all our days for eternity.
After the priest greets the people, he will extend his hands and bless the candles and sprinkle them in silence with holy water. After sprinkling the candles with Holy Water, he will with lit candle in hand declare, “Let us go in peace to meet the Lord”.
The procession then begins to the altar as the hymn, “In His Temple Now Behold Him” or another appropriate hymn is sung. Once the celebrant arrives at the chair, the singing of the Gloria takes place. Note that the penitential rite is not observed. It was replaced by the lighting, blessing and sprinkling of candles. We sing in exaltation, giving thanks to our merciful and compassionate Lord.
After the collect prayer is read, all extinguish their candles.
I have inserted some of the music you will hear this Sunday at Mass to listen to and reflect upon.