‘And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.”’(Luke 24:5) Jesus wasn’t finished when he died on the cross. That wasn’t the end. There was more. What happened next is all summarized in the words of the angels, “He is not here, but has risen.” That told Mary Magdalene, Jo-anna, Mary the mother of James and the other women a lot. Jesus is alive! He has risen! They probably weren’t expecting that. They had gone to the tomb, taking spices that they might go and anoint Jesus. They knew Jesus had died, for Mary Magdalene had been at the foot of the cross two days before. Before the angels told them what had happened, they must have been completely confused and extremely scared. But the angels had news of joy! Amazing news! He has risen! That changes everything, for if Jesus hadn’t risen from the dead, death would be the end. But he rose from the dead so we might have eternal life with him in heaven! Do not be afraid By Jonathan long Fear. Most of us struggle with with it. It lays hold of us, paralyzes, us and makes it where we turn away from fighting the good fight. But Jesus says: “Do not be afraid.” (Matthew 28:10) This freedom from fear is a surrender of every single thing to God. Only then will we get peace. As Venerable Fulton Sheen said, “If you only give God half of your heart, he can only make you 50% happy.” If you don’t give God your greatest fears, he can’t make you totally happy. You need to let go of everything and give it to God. Just as we can’t do anything well when we’re weighed down with lots of weights, neither can we be happy when we’re weighed down by the cares of this world. Jesus’s challenge is for us to let go, and to be free. So, “Do not be afraid.”