The Institution of the Holy Eucharist, the new covenant in Christ’s blood, ensures us of never being separated from God. We however, can choose to separate from God. As a matter of fact we choose to separate ourselves from the God, every time we sin. We rely on the mercy of God and sanctifying grace given to us in the sacraments to draw us back.
The cantor will sing this Sunday from Psalm 130:2 “If you, O Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.” Christ passion and resurrection on the cross is extended to us the living who await his return, in the holy sacrifice of the Mass offered daily and hourly throughout the world. This sharing in Christ’s death and resurrection is the summit of our faith. In gratitude, we offer our very selves back to the source of all love, and we extend the love we receive with others.