This year, the feast of the Annunciation falls on Monday, April 8. Roland F. Palmer (1891-1985), wrote the lyrics to the hymn, “Sing of Mary” to the tune PLEADING SAVIOR composed in 1830. Verse 1 states, “Sing of Mary, pure and lowly, Virgin mother, undefiled. Sing of God’s own Son most holy, who became her little child. Fairest child of fairest mother, God the Lord who came to earth, Word made flesh, our very brother, Takes our nature by his birth.”
How beautiful that this feast falls this year during the Easter season rather than the Lenten season. We are reminded in this verse, that because of Mary’s purity and intent on doing the will of the Father, that Jesus was conceived in her womb and became Man. He became Man, so to die for us and conquer the pains of suffering and death by rising from the dead.
We turn to Mary, in this Easter season, and we do not hesitate to call upon her. For her prayers go directly to her Son Jesus. Let us be grateful throughout the day to voice our prayers to our Mother Mary and be joyful inside and out for her aide and protection!