Do you ever thank God for your senses? Do you have one or more of these senses not operative? In such situations, it is often the case that when one sense is missing, one or more of the others become stronger because they are used more. How beautiful it is that God fills in us what is missing! If we are blessed to have all of our senses, do we experience God’s goodness through them? As we continue the Bread of Life discourse this week, can we not sense the Lord’s presence ever more when we acknowledge our senses, and take in the beauty of the God’s created world. We can see the sunrise and set, we can hear the Word of God proclaimed, we can smell the beautiful aroma of incense, we can taste the body and blood of the Lord in spiritual food and drink in the Eucharist and we can touch the hand of the ones we love. Indeed, we can hold the body of the Lord in our hand before consuming the precious host. As we sing the responsorial psalm this weekend, let us thank God for our senses, for through them, we encounter Christ in a very special way.