The readings for this weekend call for the right type of action. It is because of inner passions that create wars and uprisings. Pure actions are the opposite of this. They are as St. James describes in chapter three of his letter: “peaceable, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, without inconstancy or insincerity.” He goes on to say: “….and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace”. The struggle is real. In seeking to be righteous, this may require being persecuted and suffering the effects. It is worth the sacrifice. Think of what Christ offered up for us all. What are your thoughts as you reflect on chapter three of St. James’ letter?
Once again, this week, we will sing “Take, O Take Me as I Am” by John L. Bell as a Taizé. This time we will be singing it as the gifts are prepared and presented. Reflecting on these words several times will center our thoughts more deeply on the message contained. Here are the words: TAKE, O TAKE ME AS I AM; SUMMON OUT WHAT I SHALL BE; SET YOUR SEAL UPON MY HEART AND LIVE IN ME.