Te Deum Part 6 When you became man to set us free you did not spurn the Virgin’s womb.
I decided to expand my reflections from the intended three parts to an expanded nine parts, for those who have been following this reflection on the “Te Deum”.
The Word entered the world! This weekend is Word Sunday. The word is living and effective at this moment. When we participate at liturgy, and as the Word is proclaimed in scripture, the word is being spoken to those who gather at that moment. Everything that is contained in scripture is made visible to us in the Word becoming flesh. Likewise, everything that is contained in scripture is made visible to us in the Eucharistic host. We share in this good news and radiate his presence to all corners of the earth! What a positive thought in a world where there is much speculation and doubt and discouraging words. In this Christian Unity week, we stand united in our witness of the Word.
As we focus on the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to natural death, consider the fact that the Lord, Jesus chose freely to enter into humanity through the will of the Father and the working of the Holy Spirit through the Virgin mother’s womb. In this way, he chose to humble himself to share in our humanity. What was once invisible has become visible. Now we hear the message and can see the light where once there was darkness.
At most Masses this weekend, Bernadette Farrel’s “Praise to You, O Christ our Savior” . In verse 4, we sing, “You are the Word who binds us and unites us; you are the Word who calls us to be one; you are the Word who teaches us forgiveness: glory to you, Lord, Jesus Christ! When taking to heart, this message can overcome all that divides us.
“Your ways, O Lord, make know to me; teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior.” (Psalm 25:4-5)