Here is a Loom video introducing you to the communion antiphon to be sung at most Masses this weekend (9+) | Google Chrome - #136: Co-Workers in the Vineyard: The Importance of Lay Leadership (with Brother Louis E. Canter) — Ministry Monday: The Podcast by NPM - Google Chrome ( “As for all of you who have been baptized in Christ, you have put on Christ, alleluia.” Sometimes we take our baptism day for granted. It is not celebrated every year, like our birthday. Do you know the date of your baptism? This day is a significant day, for on that day, original sin is washed away. We become an “adopted” son or daughter of God. What an awesome concept. Members of our parish family are preparing for the day they become fully initiated into the Catholic faith. Let us remember to pray for them, as well as the newly baptized into our community. This weekend, we celebrate Jesus baptism in the Jordan River. Jesus did not need to be baptized, but He chose to be to set an example for us. After Jesus’ baptism, he began his public ministry.