In the next four weeks, let us examine the role that music plays in the liturgy, First of all, let us examine what occurs prior to the Introductory Rite.
There are several ways musically we can prepare for Mass. Here at St. Mary’s, we prepare the assembly with a prelude played on the organ, or an introit or special music sung by the choir. The music “cuts through” the silence that surrounds us, as we recognize the presence of Christ in our midst. The choir and musicians too prepare themselves to enter into these divine mysteries by taking their places and being present to the celebration that is about to take place.
The gathering of people is essential in order to begin the Introductory Rite. The priest alone does not offer the Mass. All gather to share in the sacrifice of the Mass. With this notion, the role of the people is not just to attend Mass, but to be actively involved in the Mass. Hospitality should be shown to the people around us with a simple smile or a warm handshake, acknowledging the presence of Christ in one another.