For those of us who are father’s, we can model our lives after St. Joseph, who we especially honor this year. St. Joseph quietly and patiently accepted God’s plan working within his life. He embraced the challenges calmly and trustingly. In the first reading today from Job, it is God who is talking. Quite humanly, Job has gone into despair when the world he was accustomed to came crashing down on every side. God questions Job’s reaction to the tragedies that have taken place. Instead of shunning them, God is telling Job to embrace them and recognize that all of these present sufferings will too come to pass in time. Jesus, in the flesh, responds a similar way to the disciples in the Gospel reading as the disciples question why Jesus has not calmed the sea. Their impatience makes them fail to accept the “storm” with gratitude, and immediately want to be done with it, questioning Jesus in why he did not immediately put a stop to it. The refrain of the hymn, “Save us, O Lord” by Dufford is the initial response we may experience when confronted with challenges. Indeed, this plea is necessary. But then, we come to the recognition of God’s love through it all as we sing the refrain to “Be Not Afraid” also by Bob Dufford. Here are the hymns to be presented at most Masses this weekend. June 19 and 20 Hymns Mass of Renewal parts The Parish Youth Choir shares with you their recording this week of “Christ Before Us”.