On this Second Sunday of Lent, we have the story of the Transfiguration. Mark’s gospel account tells us that “a cloud came, casting a shadow over them; then from the cloud came a voice, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him. Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them“ (Mark 9:7). The notion of a voice coming from a cloud is repeated many times in scripture. Mary hears the voice at the Annunciation. The voice is sounded also at the Baptism of Jesus. After the voice sounds, the shadow disappears and Jesus alone is in the midst of them. Jesus appears in the same way in the upper Room after the Resurrection. If we allow ourselves to be quiet, we too will here this voice, and when we do, will we be willing to sit with Jesus alone in our midst? If we do, we will experience the transfiguration as well. Here is the music to be presented at most of the Masses this Sunday. If you are unable to join us for Mass, please feel free to share these musical offerings with you as you spend time with Jesus alone in your midst or in the company of others. https://bit.ly/3qiHW5j February 27 and 28