My favorite image of Jesus is that of a shepherd. A shepherd is gentle, loving, caring and watchful. All of these images can be virtues to emulate. Pope Francis is our universal leader in the faith; Bishop Steven is our leader of our diocese; Fr. August is our pastor at the Cathedral of St. Mary. Thus, all act as shepherds for us, the sheep.
As music director, it is my duty to lead the music ministry here at the Cathedral of St. Mary. I do this by setting the example. Hopefully, I carry all of these virtues when I lead. It is a joy to serve as the music director for our parish.
In our parish, we also have group leaders. Cantors and organists lead the assembly. Instrumentalists perform a special role in our church as they provide special aid to the voice of the assembly. The various adult, children and youth choirs are beautiful examples that encourage the active participation of the assembly.
As the sheep of his flock, we are called to be Christ to one another. May our worship in this holy place lead us in the pathways of the Shepherd.