Make Straight the Way of the Lord
It is not often that the solemn feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist lands on a Sunday, like it does this year. This feast falls just days after the Summer solstice. As the days get shorter, so does John
decrease so that the Eternal Word can
The Entrance hymn that our committee selected for this feast is “The Great Forerunner of the Morn” (WINCESTER NEW). In remembrance of St. John the Baptist, this has the same melody as “On Jordan’s Bank”.
Our song for the preparation and presentation of the gifts is “You are Near” by Dan Schutte, an old standard that has been sung for forty-five plus years. The text is based on the psalm for the vigil, (Psalm 71)
and the psalm for the day (Psalm 139)
The communion hymn, “Benedictus” by Steve Angrisano is the Canticle of Zechariah, the father of St. John the Baptist, or Benedictus which is prayed each morning in the Liturgy of the Hours.
“Peace is Flowing Like a River,” by Carey Landry, is a very simple song with great meaning, particularly in this time of national and worldwide turmoil, and again calls to mind the River Jordan, where St. John the Baptist baptized Jesus.
We are sent forth with the hymn, “By All Your Saints Still Striving” (ST. THEODULPH). Verse seven of this hymn gives a biography of St. John the Baptist. (The last time we heard this tune was on Passion Sunday, “All Glory, Laud and Honor”).
Here is the link to this weekend’s music.
Incidentally, St. Mary’s School in its infant years