For those of you unable to attend the retreat, or attended and would like some notes and listen to the music, here it is If you would like to
Some notes:
We began the day with morning prayer. This was a great way to begin our retreat!
We had a great breakfast thanks to Angie Milatzo. We sang “Mass of Christ the Savior Gloria” for the blessing as we will be singing this for the remainder of Ordinary Time.
We had some new members join us: Welcome Gabreilla Germain, Linda Koons, Alaina Neimann and Irene Madler. We had four children participate.
Please read the mission statement of our parish and the purpose of our ministry out loud and reflect. I would like us to keep this as our focus throughout the year.
Please google “Pat Lencioni”. We discussed, “The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team”. Let us always work together as a team and when we disagree, be not afraid to confront one another and work through our conflicts. Above all, we need to trust each other. Without the trust the other parts of the pyramid are voided.
The Cathedral website is where you go to find our music schedules, hymn lists, calendar information, music blogs.
The best way for us to communicate is to sign up to the parish app. Read through the directions on the home page. Wait 10 seconds for slide show to run.
The Digital Library was explored.
The diocese encourages safe environment training for all volunteers of the parish. There is a safe environment training tomorrow night at 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Hartmann Hall.
National Pastoral Musicians is a great organization. Please tour the site at As a non-member, you can look under resources, and, for example, listen to podcasts. Fr. Rob and I would like to establish an NPM chapter in Wyoming. Consider being a member of NPM. You can find out more information at this website as well. Click on “Join In” button on home page. Group rates are cheaper, so if you are interested in becoming a member, e-mail me by October 15 and we will add you to a the list. Perhaps membership dues can be compromised.
Our Organ Concert Series will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the dedication of our organ with a great concert on Sunday, October 1 in our Cathedral at 2:00 p.m.
Southwest Liturgical Conference will conduct a Study Week in 2018 at Little America in Cheyenne from Jan. 16-19. Group registration is cheaper. If you are interested in attending, e-mail me before October 15. I would like to see many music ministers in attendance. This will be a great conference that we can do right here at home.
Chorister’s Guild Festival is 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 24 here at our Cathedral. St. Mary’s School and St. Mary’s Children’s Choir will participate. There will be youth and children’s choir from our region singing together and working with a clinician that morning to prepare for this ecumenical event. Deacon Vernon will provide a short homily.
We had a treasure hunt. The pictures will be on our website. The gospel for November 12 was worked on in teams to be put in sequential order. This was a great teambuilding activity
We experienced “Lectio Divina” (Divine Reading) as we reflected on themes from scripture and sang music that related to these themes from the list of hymns we will be singing for the remainder of Ordinary Time.
We all sightread through “Sicut Cervus” by Palestrina, presented by the Adult choir on September 10 at the 9:00 a.m. Mass and “Climbin Up the Mountain” by Mark Patterson, a piece the children from St. Mary’s School and St. Mary’s Parish Children’s Choir will present throughout the year in anticipation of the Chorister’s Guild Festival.
We observed the OCP showcase at the NPM Convention as they sang music form the new Spirit and Songs psalm book. Ellen Lewis has purchased this book and their group will be using this throughout the year.
We listened to an excerpt of Michael Joncas explaining his insights on his writing of “On Eagle’s Wings”. You can listen to the entire podcast at
Breakout sessions allowed for open forum discussions.
The revised music schedule will be posted on the website soon. The newly revised schedule is now on the bulletin board in the music room. If you come by during office hours, please come by the parish office for a key to the music room. It is locked during the week to keep it secure.
See me for a more comprehensive group schedule and to confirm the dates you are assigned. Please let me know of conflicts.