As our nation celebrates Independence Day in the secular world, the church celebrates the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Both Ezekial and Jesus experience rejection as they reveal the kingdom of God to people in their native town. How about you? Have you ever felt rejected or avoided? Did you find God’s hand at work through these experiences? In my life, when I experienced rejection and avoidance by people, it has only made me stronger and helped me to grow in my faith. At the present time, I am feeling a sense of peace and joy serving as your music director. We rejoice as the dispensation has been lifted and more and more of you will once again be able join your parish family in person for our Eucharistic celebrations. Here is the music to be presented at Mass this weekend. On Mary Frances Reza’s joyous hymn, “Gusten y Vea/Taste and See” we can sing together as one voice on the refrain, “Gusten y Vean, que buenos el Senor, Taste and see the goodness of the Lord”. July 3 and 4 Hymns Mass of Renewal parts With a sense of gratitude for the freedoms we have in America, especially our religious freedoms, Larry Gates and Frank Szott present, “America, the Beautiful”. Let us pray for liberty and justice for all, for the born and unborn.