The Ninth Station: Jesus Falls the Third Time “The Jesus Song” by Tom Booth Often when I reflect on the third time that Jesus falls, I wonder how he can go on!? As the crowd jeers at Jesus, as his body and soul break down, he lifts up His cross and rises again! Though we often look towards this ninth station with hopelessness, it is rather a sign of hope. A sign of hope for those of us who sin. How often have we found ourselves repeating the same sin again. For me, the sin that I struggle with most is wrath. I make it a daily goal to not fall into wrath, yet I fall again and again and again. It is with Christ’s love and mercy that I rise up again, lift up my cross and try yet again to move forward and to repent! In the hymn “The Jesus Song” we ask for Lord Jesus Christ’s mercy and our trust in Him. Rest in Christ’s mercy, and even when you feel like you and your sins are unbearable, pray for Christ’s great and divine mercy. Trust in him, and rise again. -Carmella Chavez, Cantor
The Tenth Station: Jesus is Stripped of His Clothes “Come to Me and Drink” by Bob Hurd As Jesus is stripped of his clothes, he shows forth his humility and tremendous outpouring of love. He drinks from the cup of suffering first. Jesus call is: “Come to Me and Drink” to everyone. Each time, we accept suffering, we drink from this same cup of suffering and accept Jesus’ tremendous love.