The Bishop's Guild prays for the Bishop and provides financial and social assistance for his ministries through programs, special events, and spiritual development presentations. Bishop's Guild is associated with the Cheyenne Deanery, an affiliate of the Wyoming Council of Catholic Women (WCCW), associated with the Denver Province, and affiliated with the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW). All women of the southeast Wyoming parishes are welcome to join.
Meetings, including dinner, fellowship, spiritual growth and a guest speaker take place the second Thursday of each month, unless the Bishop requests otherwise. Dinner begins promptly at 6:00 pm, September - May.
Bishop's Guild History
Bishop's Guild began as an organization for Catholic women to further their understanding of Catholicism; inform members of current matters relating to Catholicism and to promote spirituality among Catholic women. Bishop Newell agreed to sponsor the group, and the first general meeting was held May 13, 1953 at St. Joseph's Hall. Ellen Crowley was elected first president and Our Lady of Lourdes became the patroness.